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Buy Less, Buy The Best is a philosophy of shopping that puts quality over quantity.  It recognizes that although purchasing the best quality can be spendy in the short term, in the long term (with proper care) these items are less expensive than cheap things. There are other benefits to this philosophy beyond one’s pocket book. Buying less is unquestionably better for the environment.  Less stuff means less waste, both from packing and shipping products and as post-consumer waste when the product or its package gets discarded.  Furthermore, buying better quality supports the economy.  Better items are generally produced with more human involvement, which means better jobs for skilled employees. Underpaid, unskilled factory slaves do not produce the kinds of goods that last well and are a pleasure to own.

Of course, some things will always be “disposable”, and there are certain products where increases in price or production quality do not mean increased durability or useful life. Additionally, cost does not always equate with quality. It is my intention to provide you, the consumer, with the necessary information to choose goods of excellent quality when appropriate (and to care for those items properly) as well as to recognize which items this philosophy benefits most.
Next week I will address some of the traits which mark an item as disposable, and which items should be considered long term “investment pieces”.
If you have any questions, please comment and I will address them in future posts!